"Invite" Short Story Continued


More on college life and Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority:

"We and the Kappas have an arrangement that the men the Kappas bring to Prom stay at our house and the women we bring stay at our house, You would like the Kappas. A lot of them get their clothes in the East and have their own cars and have more members of the Junior League than any other sorority. Some of the sororities call the Kappas a hi-hat crowd but I don't think that is fair. Several times during the year we have joint dances, informals, with the Kappas and you would not want to meet a nicer crowd. Easterners get a wrong idea of the girls out here."

Maybe they weren't "hi-hat," but in the autumn of 1962 I made a date with a Kappa Kappa Gamma girl and she stood me up.

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