Farmers Hotel


On November 8, 1931, publication of The Farmers Hotel.

From Matthew Bruccoli's The O'Hara Concern:

   "A group of snowbound travelers representing various social strata come together in a Pennsylvania country hotel and enjoy harmony until one of them violates the order and then murders two others. . . The author was proud of the allegory, which exists on two levels. The obvious meaning is that there are destructive elements antipathetic to social order - that there are people not fit to live. The second allegorical meaning is political, with Joe Rogg, the murderous truckdriver, standing for Russia and Joseph Stalin." Page 207.

   The original Farmers Hotel structure still stands in Beckville, Pennsylvania. Pamela Mac Arthur, The Genteel John O'Hara, page 78.

  And, speaking of "gentility," again from Matthew Bruccoli's The O'Hara Convern:

"The title of this book involves one of the familiar anecdotes about John O'Hara's touchiness. He had originally planned to call it A Small Hotel as a compliment to Rodgers and Hart. He called on Richard Rodgers to tell him, but the composer pointed out that the title of his song was "There's a Small Hotel." O'Hara was angered by what he considered Rodgers' failure to be properly pleased: 'When I want you to name a book for me, I'll let you know.' Sentimental gestures meant a great deal to him, and he was hurt when other people failed to respond to them. The friendship further deteriorated as the result of Rodgers' failure to consult O'Hara about summer bookings for Pal Joey." Pages 206-207.

1 comment:

jamesmacdonald7 said...

I believe Richard Rogers was merely embarrassed by O'Hara's effusiveness.