O'Hara Compared

J.P Marquand

From Marquand to O'Hara

'There is no doubt [J.P. Marquand] is an acute and often brilliant observer of middle class manners. He should be classed with John O'Hara in this respect: ther merciless eye of a born reporter, the sensitive ear for speech, the gift of creating atmosphere and social types. These are fine assests for any writer....' -- Maxwell Geismar, American Moderns: From Rebellion to Conformity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, just saw this blog for the first time.

My name is Dan Kheloussi and I was mentioned tangentially on this site before, as my Eagle Scout project was to create a walking tour of sites in Pottsville ("Gibbsville") mentioned in some of O'Hara's books.

Believe it or not, I recently just read my first O'Hara novel, "Appointment in Samarra", and loved it, and will now be going through some more of his works. (Forgive me for the delay! but I work with energy/science/other nerd stuff, and am only in the last few years consuming novels at a semi-respectable clip).

Anyway, thought I'd say hi and that I appreciate your blog, and I'll be sure to check in often!
