WVIA-FM on O'Hara

For Discussion?
Listening again to 'The O'Hara Interviews,' recorded by WVIA-FM, the public radio station in Scranton, during its year-long celebration of John O'Hara in 1995. Some interviews are great, ie, with Professor Charles Bassett. In contrast, the late Professor Frank McShane of Columbia, a noted O'Hara biographer, seems unprepared -- reciting one platitude after another. Let's review at 30 January AGM.
--- Richard.                   


RGK said...

What I found most remarkable about McShane was how much he wanted to talk about himself and how little interest he seemed to have in talking about O'Hara.

Richard said...

Actually, he seemed not to have a grasp on O'Hara and his ouevre. Richard.